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Meeting of April 7, 2021


10:00 a.m.Call to orderPat Gaddy, Chair
10:05 a.m.Budget UpdateCharles Maimone, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
10:45 a.m.Onboarding updateAmy Grubbs, Manager Onboarding Center
Angela Nicolson, Onboarding Specialist
11:00 a.m.Roll call/meeting minutes approvalPeter Dickerson, Parliamentarian
11:10 a.m.Administrative updateMarie Williams, AVC for Human Resources
11:25 a.m.Chair’s ReportPat Gaddy, Chair
11:35 a.m.Committee ReportsCommunications – Christenna Hutchins
Community Service & Engagement – Allen Thompson
Computer Loan Program – Joe Sutton
Diversity & Inclusion – Jill Phipps
Employee Experience & Relations – Dana DiMaio
External Affairs – Kim McAllister
Governance – Tracy Brown
Resources & Environment – Adam Bensley
11:50 a.m.Old BusinessPat Gaddy, Chair
11:55 a.m.New BusinessPat Gaddy, Chair

Meeting Minutes


Elizabeth Baker, Brittany Bell, Adam Bensley, Connor Brady, Tracy Brown, Shannon Chiera, Bryce Clodfelter, Jill Cofer, Bradley Davis, Danny Davis, Lori Davis, Peter Dickerson, Jennie Dilger, Dana DiMaio, Helen DiPietro, Michael Domeracki, Adrienne Ellis, Michael Ellison, Neko Everett, John Freund, Pat Gaddy, Pamela Gilchrist, Latoya Giles, Emily Gower, Charles Hall, Adrian Harris, Michelle Healey, Christenna Hutchins, Melvin Jackson, Alicia James, Cathy James, Roben Jarrett, Yolanda Jones, Marie King, Gavin Lewis, LaToya Lucy, Arlene Mabry, Kim McAllister, Gwendolyn McKeever, Jameco McKenzie, Meghan Metcalfe, Colin Moore, Nicole Nelson, Rodney O’Neal, Brigette Perry, Jill Phipps, Robert Pope, Alan Porch, Vincent Potter, Sheila Powell, Christina Pucci, Ranjani Rajagopalan, Rhonda Raynor, Nicole Robelo, Beth Rosen, Ken Roth, Andrew Rotz, Zachary Rumph, Jeff Sackaroff, Katie Sapko, Annaka Sikkink, Janice Sitzes, Jennifer St. Jean, Joe Sutton, Allen Thompson, Karen Visnosky, Jamie Warner, LaShanda Warren, Mattie Webb, AVC Williams, Sarah Willis, Erin Zanders


Angela Brisson, Carrie Baum-Lane


Roy Baroff, Samantha Fowler, Wyona Goodwin, Rhonda Greene, Robert Klein, Becky Manning, Barbara Smith, Kofi Thomas

Call to order

Pat Gaddy, chair, called the April 7, 2021 meeting to order.

Charles Maimone, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Mr. Maimone shared updates on the following topics:

  • State of North Carolina Revenue Picture
  • Legislative Budget Update
  • Spring and Summer – Auxiliary Budgets
  • Campus Relief Funds – Federal and State
  • University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC)
    • Staff Senate Representation
    • Available Resources
    • Survey

Staff Senate Budget Update Presentation:



  • Is the 1% that we fall below based on the lack of market adjustments because our salaries are
  • well below the national averages?
  • There is a difference between those two points – the average that Mr. Maimone spoke about is the average increases that may have taken place in the UNC System, so all those schools are really in the same boat we are in terms of market, equity and salary increases, in other words, the salary increases are really pretty close to average for the System, but just 1% below – that doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual salaries are at market by any means.
  • In House Bill 243, there is language that would allow universities to cut salaries up to 20% for anyone making over $45,000. How likely is that language to stay in the bill? Summary of HB 243:
  • Mr. Maimone spoke about the reason for this bill. He shared that at this time there is no systemic reasons to do that now, but it’s in the UNC System because it believed it would be helpful if we found ourselves in very challenging economic times.
  • As part of these workforce reviews has there been any further conversation about temporary employees and potentially converting more of those positions to SHRA positions?
  • AVC Williams spoke about the reason for this proposal and shared due to Covid-19 their hands are full, so there has not been mention of this in the System’s Office, but they will most likely look at it at some point, because of its importance.
  • Chair Gaddy expressed gratitude to Mr. Maimone for his transparency – making it clear for all of us to understand complicated information and for taking the time from his busy schedule to update the Staff Senate!

Administrative update, Marie Williams, AVC for Human Resources

Emergency Loan Program

  • Kudos to Staff Senate – the Emergency Loan Program is up and running! AVC Williams reported 11 applications have been submitted and they are tracking them daily. AVC Williams shared it took a village to get to this point and expressed gratitude for all that were involved in this process and is grateful for the Staff Senate for coming up with the initiative.

Amy Grubbs, Manager Onboarding Center and Angela Nicolson, Onboarding Specialist

  • Amy and Angela presented a New Employee Orientation Experience. o Based on the review and discussion of the NEO Project Proposal, several suggestions have been implemented to expand and enhance the new employee experience. The goal is to provide more resources and information on the University’s culture and opportunities. Through this enhanced process, the anticipated outcome is to build up a more engaged and connected member of the Pack.
  • Presentation: zFVLahtQ9t-s/edit?usp=sharing

Meeting minutes approval for March 7, Peter Dickerson, Parliamentarian

  • Peter Dickerson, parliamentarian, asked for a motion to approve the March 7, 2021 meeting minutes. First Michelle Healey, second – Tracy Brown; all were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair’s report, Pat Gaddy

  • Chair Pat reported that her daughter was the first person on campus to receive a vaccination.
  • Chair Pat and Chair-elect Helen provided input in the announcement for the Employee Emergency Fund, noting the importance to acknowledge that this was a Staff Senate initiative.
  • Chair Pat was interviewed by University Communications for a few articles in March.
  • Chair Pat, Chair-elect Helen, Past-chair Janice Sitzes and Vice Chair Alan attended the two-day Staff Assembly Retreat.
  • Chair Pat attended the virtually UNC Assembly Chair’s meeting in March and is a member of the Staff Assembly Ad Hoc committee. This committee has four members looking at the comparisons as it relates to the different Staff Senate bodies across the 17 campuses.
    Meetings the Chair attended:
    • Feed the Pack Advisory Board meeting.
    • University’s Council meeting.
    • A follow-up meeting for the Racial Equity Summit.
    • Chair Pat continues to attend the weekly Executive Briefings.
    • Chair Pat attends regular meetings with the Chancellor and the Faculty Senate.
    • Chair-elect Helen attended the Board of Visitors meeting.
    • Vice chair Alan Porch attended the University Budget Advisory meeting.
    • Chair Pat was a workshop presenter for the cooperative Raleigh colleges in March.
    • Chair Pat will be the class speaker tonight for the College of Education in the Department of Education leadership Policy and Human Development.
  • Special announcements
    • Chair Pat congratulated Roy Baroff – The North Carolina Bar Association dispute resolution section named Roy as a recipient of the 2020 Peace Award.
    • Chair Pat welcomed back Vincent Potter and congratulated him and his wife for their baby boy Teddy born in February. Also, Congrats to Jennine Dilger for a baby due soon and congratulations to Elizabeth Baker for her recent marriage!
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