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December 2021 Constituent Update

Here are updates from the December 1, 2021 Staff Senate general session:

Chair’s Report

Helen DiPietro, Chair, Staff Senate

Chair DiPietro provided an update on items being discussed at the University Staff Assembly.

December 10, 2021 is the Chancellor’s Holiday Open House at The Point, don’t forget it’s your chance to visit the Chancellor’s residence and enjoy the Woodson’s holiday hospitality!

Administrative Update 

Margaret Erickson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Operations

Quick update: 

December 24, 2021, is now a holiday, so leave-earning employees will not have to use their personal leave time for that day.

The North Carolina General Assembly passed the biennial budget and there will be increases and a bonus this year. The UNC System Office will be sending out guidelines soon to University Human Resources with the timelines for the increases and bonuses. 

UHR anticipates a 2.5% salary increase each year for two years(for a total of 5%) with a $1,000 bonus for all permanent employees and an extra $500 bonus for permanent employees making less than $75,000 per year. Permanent Part-time employees shall receive the bonuses on a prorated and equitable basis. Bonuses and increases should come in January, however University Human Resources is still waiting for ARP (Annual Raise Process) guidelines and anticipate information for that by March.

The “pause” on non-essential HR actions has been lifted. University Human Resources is back to normal hiring proposal and salary adjustment processes. This includes the review of positions for potential reclassification. Exception requests are no longer necessary for HR actions.

Mid-Year Leadership Check-in

Stephanie Davis, Senior Organizational Development Consultant, University Human Resources Learning and Development

Stephanie Davis led a mini-retreat and mid-year check-in with the members of the Staff Senate. The retreat allowed opportunities for Senators to share successes, challenges, solutions, and ways to continuously improve.

Old Business

The Senator On-Boarding ad-hoc committee is full.

The QEP committee has two Staff Senate representatives.

The Scooter safety ad-hoc still needs more members.

The Council on the Status of Women has a Staff Senate representative.

Feedback on resolutions on recently passed resolutions-no feedback at this time.

New Business

Suggest painting speed bumps on Morrill Drive. These bumps need to be painted or the speed limit decreased. The speed bumps are not visible and may cause damage.

Another transportation issue- the glare on Cates Ave & Dan Allen is not safe, there is potential for accidents that could hurt pedestrians.

Staff Senate bylaws should be updated to include hybrid meetings. 

Service drives are running and extended through December 17, 2021 – Clothes, Food, and Toys for Tots. Warm clothes for children will also be accepted.

There are 13 drop-off locations on campus, including University Police. You may do a “drive-by” drop-off above Admin I & II buildings on Friday December 3rd and 10th.  When you drive-by and drop-off your donations you can pick-up some swag! You might even see Mr and Mrs Wuf!

Computer Loan Program

The Computer Loan Program is constantly interested in acquiring more laptop computers to use for the program. The program utilizes computers that are not End of Life (EOL) to give employees that meet the criteria the opportunity to check-out a computer and build their computer skills. If your unit or department is considering surplusing computers that are not EOL-consider sending those computers to the Computer Loan Program. The Program may even be able to accept your gently used personal computer, if it’s not considered EOL, too! If you have computers to donate, please contact

Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office

Roy Baroff, NC State Faculty & Staff Ombuds

Please feel free to reach out for any help or guidance concerning key areas of how to navigate/empower/connect/coach. Roy is available at 919-515-7685.

Please join us for the next Staff Senate general session on January 12, 2022, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. via secure Zoom or in-person in Talley Student Union. General Sessions are open to all NC State staff.  Contact your staff senator for the Zoom meeting link as we draw closer to the meeting date. 

We are happy for the opportunity to serve you in the Staff Senate. If you should have any questions or concerns you would like Staff Senate to address, please feel free to contact your District Staff Senators: 

Please click here to watch the recording