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September 2022 Constitutent Update

Here are updates from the September 6, 2022 Staff Senate general session:

Administrative updates

Tim Danielson, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Margret Ericksson, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

AVC Daneilson shared responses to questions asked about:

The movement of certain employee groups from SHRA to EHRA category, and and shared the process. Essentially, NC General Assembly expanded exemptions of the HR act- and the process started in july. There have been meetings with HR leads to discuss positions that are eligible. The transition will be split into two phases, and University HR is working on position mapping. Positions that have the option to convert to EHRA will be provided with a comprehensive packet of information, potential information sessions which include differences in longevity and benefits will also be held. This is not a mandated to change, and employees will have 90 days to make the choice to convert. UHR will create a dedicated email address for conversion questions. Hope to have conversion packets out by January. Vacancies are being converted to EHRA now. This change was prompted to allow for more flexibility in hiring.

Will all SHRA employees at some point be offered the opportunity to convert to EHRA was a question during the update and the response now is  it’s impossible to say for certain, but there could be opportunities.

Another question asked was why are other positions unable to use the updated market analysis used for the EHRA conversion- and that’s because SHRA salaries, including the salary ranges, are controlled by the Office of State Human Resources, and that office has chosen not to change those ranges. The ranges are out of the control of the University System. 

Flexible Work at NC State-If you have questions, look at the FWA webpage on the UHR website.

AVC Danielson sends Congratulations to the Senate on the support and success of the BackPack Drive. The drive has done a lot of good for our employees and their children.

Chair’s report

Jill Phipps, Chair

A lot going on-In July, the Chair attended many meetings including the Executive Briefing Committee. Administrative Leadership Meeting(where a featured speaker promoted the Digital Literacy Project.) Attended Board of Trustees short session, Board of Govenors meeting(virtually), HR Exchange and the Staff Assembly Meeting in Chapel Hill.

In August, University Council Meeting, Chairs meeting of the Staff Assembly Chairs, met with AVC Danielson-discussed how Staff Senate would be successful this year, including setting 3 goals for each committee. Michelle Healey is our representative with Status on the Council of Women, Alan Porch will represent University Employment Engagement Committee and the review committee for the Faculty Staff Ombuds Position/RFP.  Arlene Mabry will be on the PackHealth advisory Group with Campus Health.

Packapalooza was a lot of fun and a record setting event that may have had over 112,000 people in attendance! Thanks to everyone who worked at the Staff Senate tent and special thanks to Allen Thompson-a true friend and supporter of Staff Senate

Vice Chair Report

Alicia James

The Vice Chaired shared an overview of requests directed to Staff Senate:

Urgent Care minute clinic for Staff…There is not currently a place like that now?

Has it been proposed before, we are checking historical documents.

Is there a process to accommodate a proposal, reached out to Campus Health and they advised that an employee clinic is a consideration in future plans-Would Staff Senate be able to help in that process?

Free Yoga on Main Campus:

There is free yoga available on Centennial Campus (through the real estate office), but not on Main Campus-reached out to Jude in the Real Estate office…there are some barriers, but we are working to see if we can move the request forward.

Remote/Flexible Work:

Can temp employees work remotely, out of the state of NC. Fully Remote is not included as an option, but FWA does allow for remote working out state.

Council on Status of Women update

Michelle Healey 

Two areas for focus this year include Pay Equity and Mentorship for new staff and faculty members

Committee Reports

Chairs for each Committee shared updates and goals they hope to accomplish this year, including the a few highlights below:

Staff Senate was able to give out over 150 bookbags thanks to the back to school BackPack drive. Starting planning for next year. Stay tuned for more on Toys for Tots, Warm Clothes, and Food Drive. Emergency Blood Drive. 

Computer Loan Program shared they received additional laptops and are working on changing out older equipment first, as the program works to distribute computers and will work on training programs for new participants.See more information below. 

Old Business

Chair Elect Alan Porch provided a brief update on the status of the RFP for the Faculty/Staff Ombuds

New Business

Annaka Sikkink presented ‘Digital Access and Inclusion Recommendations.’ 

Rich Berlin, Associate Vice Chancellor for Campus Enterprises and Doug Morton, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities joined to share their support and experience in the process.

Annaka shared why this is important for everyone on campus and reminded us that not everyone has access to a computer and that creates inequity that we can fix. 750 to 800 staff are without regular access to a computer.

There are things we can do as a university, including making everyone aware of resources that are available now.

The Staff Senate voted to recommend and support the Digital Access and Inclusion Recommendations.

The Computer Loan Program is constantly interested in acquiring more laptop computers to use for the program. The program utilizes computers that are not End of Life (EOL) to give employees that meet the criteria the opportunity to check-out a computer and build their computer skills. If your unit or department is considering surplusing computers that are not EOL-consider sending those computers to the Computer Loan Program. The Program may even be able to accept your gently used personal computer, if it’s not considered EOL, too! If you have computers to donate, please contact

Please join us for the next Staff Senate general session on October 2, 2022  from

10 a.m.- 12 p.m. via secure Zoom or in-person in Talley Student Union. General Sessions are open to all NC State staff.  Contact your staff senator for the Zoom meeting link as we draw closer to the meeting date. 

We are happy for the opportunity to serve you in the Staff Senate. If you should have any questions or concerns you would like Staff Senate to address, please feel free to contact your District Staff Senators: 

Please click here to watch the recording for September