February 2022 Constituent Update
Here are updates from the February 2, 2022 Staff Senate general session:
If your unit needs additional masks, they are available. Masks may be requested through EMMC via your College or Divisions Business office.
The Clothing Drive was a great success. Students were in line waiting and Staff Senate was able to give away kids’ clothes in addition to other warm coats and clothing items. Staff Senate distributed nearly 20 large bags of warm clothes. Thank you for your support!
Ice cream and pizza will be provided before the Employee Appreciation Women’s basketball game-doors will open at 7 pm. If you don’t have a GoPack.com app, you will need to download the app to get your tickets to the game, but you will need your ID for food and raffle tickets. Use the form to request tickets for you and your family-the game is currently listed as “sold-out” and the only way you’ll be able to get tickets for you and family members.
Administrative Update
Margaret Erickson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Operations
If you qualified for longevity pay between July and December, you would have received a retroactive longevity payment in your January check. If you have questions, please contact your HR representative.
There was an error on 3D Memo from January 13, 2022 on Adverse Weather Conditions Under Condition 2- that conveyed incorrect information. The policy as written is correct stating that Under Condition 2 non-mandatory employees can use adverse weather leave and make up the time in 90 days or if the employee did not want to use adverse weather leave, they may use annual or bonus leave-or work remotely(with supervisory approval.) Please refer to the regulation REG 04.20.07 as there will not be an update to the 3D memo.
Service Award breakfast for 5-10 years of service will be held Monday March 21. The Service Award breakfast for 15 to 50 years of service will be held April 14. Both breakfasts will be in the Talley Ballroom. This year the honorees will have a choice of gift options and invitations will be sent out soon.
The full remote work regulation approved by Cabinet on December 9 is moving closer to roll-out. University leadership is working on drafting guidelines and useful documents for the planned release on March 1. The full remote work regulation differs from Flex Work Arrangement because it’s based on position and not employee preference. Requests for remote positions will still subject for approval for any out-of-state work.
Tim Danielson, new Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources joined the meeting on his third day to introduce himself to Staff Senate.
There was a question on Discretionary ARP(Annual Raise Process)-information was sent to the Deans and Unit leads within the last couple weeks. The Discretionary ARP is limited, discretionary and up to the department to award. SHRA are NOT eligible for merit adjustments per state guidelines, but they are eligible for equity and market adjustments.
Diversity Update
Stephanie Helms-Pickett, Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Equity & Diversity
Dr. Helms-Pickett spoke about the groups that make up the Office for Institutional Equity & Diversity and highlighted the fully functional groups and services that OIED supports and maintains.
Some highlighted information from the presentation included:
Responsible Employee training is due February 15, 2022.
Pack Survivor Support Alliance (PSSA) is a new program and its inaugural cohort is beginning.
OIED sponsors professional development for everyone with introductory, intermediate and specialized opportunities.
In addition to OIED generated training there is a track for NC State on LinkedIN Learning.
The Toward inclusive Practices (TIPs) shares short newsletters with practices you can implement in your everyday.
Another new resource is ‘DIY/DEI’ – a collaboration with the Libraries and OIED, the program includes a collection of articles, podcasts and other media to continue learning.
In addition to equity diversity and inclusion, OIED is proud to champion the inclusion of belonging and well-being.
The employee engagement survey is coming for faculty and staff this spring. There are 61 belief statements in 15 categories.
Stay in the know with Diversity Digest.
Veterans Affairs
Nick Drake, Director, Jeffery Wright-Military and Veteran Services a division of DASA
Nick provided an overview of the services and initiatives of Military and Veteran Service. They have been in existence for five years and are located in Witherspoon.
Goals include success in transition from the military to campus for veterans and their dependants, guidance from start to graduation and transition from NC State to their chosen career. The center proudly serves all military-affiliated students, staff, faculty and retirees. That includes discharges and retired veterans, active duty military, members of the national Guard and Reserve components, spouses and dependents of military and veterans and Gold Star Family members. Current Programs and Initiatives include: Green Zone Training, PscyhArmor Institute, Challenge Coin Program, Faculty and Staff Resources, Military Affairs Committee and Student Veteran College Ambassadors. Training can be found in REPORTER.
Chair’s Report
Helen DiPietro, Chair, Staff Senate
Chair DiPietro is championing equity with NC State’s Staff Senate in comparison to other staff senates at other UNC System campuses.
Staff Senate is requesting equitable space on campus for staff. Faculty and Student Senates have spaces on campus so Chair DiPietro is working with Architects Office to receive equitable space for Staff Senate on campus.
Additionally seven other campuses ( according to UNC Staff Assembly) participate at Graduation. Chair DiPietro met with Senior Vice Provost Don Hunt and the Registar. They are working out how to have a roll for Staff Senate in the Spring, or by Fall Graduation 2022. This may include a note in the graduation program as well.
The Chair and Chair Elect were invited to Watauga Medal Awards and are committed to bring Executive Committee members to events as their “plus one’s” to increase visibility of Staff Senate.
The Chair engaged the body on a discussion about how we could further investigate why SAAO Tier II EHRA non-faculty are excluded from membership. The issue will be further reviewed and discussed by the Staff Senate Executive Committee and with more information to come.
Old Business/New Business
It was shared that Senators Gerald Cobb, District-51 and Jameco McKenzie, District-24 will be representing NC State presenting at an upcoming Cooperative Raleigh Colleges conference.
Ongoing Reminders:
Computer Loan Program
Getting a new computer over the holidays provides the potential to continue the life of your old computer! The Computer Loan Program is constantly interested in acquiring more laptop computers to use for the program. The program utilizes computers that are not End of Life (EOL) to give employees that meet the criteria the opportunity to check-out a computer and build their computer skills. If your unit or department is considering surplusing computers that are not EOL-consider sending those computers to the Computer Loan Program. The Program may even be able to accept your gently used personal computer, if it’s not considered EOL, too! If you have computers to donate, please contact computerloan@ncsu.edu.
Faculty & Staff Ombuds Office
Roy Baroff, NC State Faculty & Staff Ombuds
Please feel free to reach out for any help or guidance concerning key areas of how to navigate/empower/connect/coach. Roy is available at 919-515-7685.
Please join us for the next Staff Senate general session on February 2, 2022 from
10 a.m.- 12 p.m. via secure Zoom or in-person in Talley Student Union. General Sessions are open to all NC State staff. Contact your staff senator for the Zoom meeting link as we draw closer to the meeting date.
We are happy for the opportunity to serve you in the Staff Senate. If you should have any questions or concerns you would like Staff Senate to address, please feel free to contact your District Staff Senators: https://staffsenate.ncsu.edu/about/find-your-senator/
Please click here to watch the recording for February
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